I feel a rant coming on.

Sure, the Wizards smoked Toronto FC last night 3-0 and Eddie Johnson helped my fantasy team by scoring a goal (I named him my team's captain because he was getting to play Toronto FC twice this week.....), so I should be happy. But there's been so much stuff getting bottled up that it's time to let it all go.

Devo broke the news yesterday that Sam is no longer doing the Soccer Sam TV Show on his blog. I'd love to know what led to that decision because with TWSN coming on line and the Rhinos needing content to put on the station, you would think that the Soccer Sam TV Show would be perfect, right? You know, the show that's actually been here longer than 99% of the people that are currently involved with the franchise.

But I guess that wasn't the direction that they wanted to go.

And what direction is that exactly? PAETEC Park was supposed to be a huge step forward for the franchise. Yet here we are a little over a week away from the second home opener at PAETEC Park and the stadium is still nowhere near finished and the team still doesn't have a firm time table on when it will ever be finished.

Although, maybe it's amazing that the Rhinos ever reached the heights that they once did. Chris Economides doesn't appear to be setting the world on fire in Cary with a team that through the pre-season and their home opener has still yet to win a match. Plus, they failed to sell out the first game in franchise history in a stadium that holds less than 8000 fans.

I wonder what the magic formula was back in the good ole days? Was it Pat Ercoli? Was it Doug Miller? Was it Mike Kirmse's flip throw? Was it Pat Onstad?

I don't know what the magic formula was. I just hope that someone figures it out, pronto.................